MicroPython for the BBC Micro:bit
CourseThis course will help you to develop an in-depth understanding of the Micro:bit and learn to interface a variety ofsensors and peripherals with the Micro:bit.
Exploring the ESP32, Sparkfun and the Cayenne IOT Platform
CourseThis course is meant for anyone who wants to hone their hands-on electronics prototyping and coding skills and learn prototyping with one of the most popular IoT development boards.
Introduction to MicroPython using the Pyboard
CourseThis course introduces you to the Pyboard and to MicroPython to help you develop a firm grasp of the hardware capabilities of the Pyboard and learn to program it using MicroPython
Supply Chain Applications with R and Shiny
CourseThis comprehensive course shows how to take data-driven supply chain decisions with data science and we take it one step further by combining supply chain , devops and data science.
Using Python for Data Science and Supply Chain Analytics
CourseLearn Python, Supply Chain Data Science, Linear Programming, Forecasting, Pricing and Inventory Management.
Supply Chain Design and Planning (Using Excel and Python)
CourseThe course will take you to step by step on understanding optimization problems in supply-chain that can help you make strategic and tactical supply-chain decisions effectively. As always, our courses follows a learn by doing approach