Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Overview of the ESP32 Features

    2. Segment - 02 - Part 1 : Practical Insights into the ESP32 Features

    3. Segment - 03 - Part 2 : Practical Insights into the ESP32 Features

    1. Segment - 04 - What is OTA Programming?

    2. Segment - 05 - How do OTA Updates happen in the ESP32?

    3. Segment - 06 - How to implement basic OTA Programming in the ESP32 Thing?

    4. Segment - 07 - Implementing OTA Updates through a Web Server in the SparkFun ESP32 Thing

    5. Segment - 08 - Implementing Cloud-Based OTA Updates in the SparkFun ESP32 Thing

    6. Segment - 09 - Implementing the WiFiManager Library in the SparkFun ESP32 Thing

    7. Segment - 10 - Part 1: Implementing WiFi-Manager and OTA Update in Projects

    8. Segment - 11 - Part 2: Implementing WiFi-Manager and OTA Update in Projects

    1. Segment - 12 - What is a Real Time Operating System?

    2. Segment - 13 - FreeRTOS Implementation in the ESP32

    3. Segment - 14 - What are Tasks, Queues and Semaphores?

    4. Segment - 15 - Implementing Dual-Core Multitasking and Synchronization in the ESP32 Thing

    5. Segment - 16 - Inter-Task Communication in the SparkFun ESP32 Thing with FreeRTOS

    6. Segment - 17 - Performance Benchmarking with FreeRTOS Implementation in the ESP32 Thing

    1. Segment - 18 - What are the Sleep Modes in the SparkFun ESP32 Thing?

    2. Segment - 19 - Implementing Deep Sleep in the SparkFun ESP32 Thing

    3. Segment - 20 - Implementing External Wake-up Sources for Deep Sleep in the SparkFun ESP32 Thing

    4. Segment - 22 - Working with the ULP Co-processor in the Arduino IDE

    5. Segment - 23 - Implementing ULP Co-processor Wake-up from Deep Sleep in the ESP32

    6. Segment - 24 - Understanding the ULP Co-processor Assembly Code in the ESP32

    7. Segment - 21 - Implementing an OLED NTP Clock with Deep Sleep using SparkFun ESP32 Thing

    8. Segment - 25 - Deep Sleep Power Consumption in the SparkFun ESP32 Thing

About this course

  • Free
  • 25 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content