Course curriculum

    1. L1V0 - Introduction and Welcome

    2. L1V1 - The Elements of a Successful Presentation

    3. L1V2 - Writing a Killer Intro

    4. L1V3 - Maximum Impact, Minimum Nerves 

    1. L2V1 - The Six Bricks of a Winning Proposal

    2. L2V2P1 - Smart Ways to Present Data

    3. L2V2P2 - Smart Ways to Present Data

    4. L2V3 - How to Connect with Your Listeners and Readers 

    1. L3V1 - What is Crisis Communication

    2. L3V2 - Crisis Communication Strategies: Do’s & Don’ts

    3. L3V3P1 - Key Messages in Your Crisis Communication Plan

    4. L3V3P2 - Key Messages in Your Crisis Communication Plan

    1. L4V1 - Establishing a Brand Voice 

    2. L4V2 - Using Micro Stories to Get Your Message Across

    3. L4V3 - How to Persuade in Your Writing and Presentations

    4. L4V4 - Congratulations and Continuous Learning Journey

About this course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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