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This course on equity products introduces equities by providing an overview of the types of products, including both direct and indirect products. The program demonstrates the types of shares and exchanges and investors. It also discusses importance of diversification and volatility, and the role each plays in equity portfolios. The course will then further cover equity indices and go into some depth in covering tracking funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). The program also introduces derivatives, forward contracts, futures, equity swaps, options, and structured products.

This course consists of 16 lectures across 3 sections:

  • An Introduction to Equities
  • Understanding Equity Indices
  • How to Buy the Market

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will be able to...

  • To describe the full range of equity products available globally.
  • To discuss the structure and pricing of equities and their indices.
  • To articulate how equity products are traded.
  • To understand the various relevant equity derivative products and how they work.

Course curriculum

    1. Types of Products/Shares

    2. Types of Products/Shares (Slides)

    3. Buying Shares & Equities

    4. Buying Shares & Equities (Slides)

    5. Tesco Example

    6. Tesco Example (Slides)

    7. Types of Shares and Exchanges

    8. Types of Shares and Exchanges (Slides)

    9. Depository Receipts

    10. Depository Receipts (Slides)

    11. Types of Investors, Diversification and Volatility

    12. Types of Investors, Diversification and Volatility (Slides)

    1. Types of Indices Part I

    2. Types of Indices Part I (Slides)

    3. Types of Indices Part II

    4. Types of Indices Part II (Slides)

    1. Tracking Funds

    2. Tracking Funds (Slides)

    3. Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's)

    4. Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's) (Slides)

    5. Introduction to Derivatives

    6. Introduction to Derivatives (Slides)

    7. Forward Contracts

    8. Forward Contracts (Slides)

    9. Futures

    10. Futures (Slides)

    11. Equity Swaps

    12. Equity Swaps (Slides)

    13. Options

    14. Options (Slides)

    15. Structured Products (Warrants, Certificates and Notes)

    16. Structured Products (Warrants, Certificates and Notes) (Slides)

About this course

  • $49.95
  • 32 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content