Introduction to React and Redux
This course includes practical guide to build a mobile-ready web applications using React, Redux and React Router.
Segment - 01 - Course Introduction
Segment - 02 - Software Setup
Segment - 03 - Using Let and Const
Segment - 04 - Template Strings
Segment - 05 - Arrow functions
Segment - 06 - Spread and Rest Operators
Segment - 07 - Classes and Objects
Segment - 08 - Object Destructuring
Segment - 09 - Promise and Async-Await
Segment - 10 - A Quick Overview of ReactJS
Segment - 11 - Create a New ReactJS Project
Segment - 12 - Hello, React
Segment - 13 - Using Props
Segment - 14 - Handling Events
Segment - 15 - Stateful Components
Segment - 16 - Stateless Components
Segment - 17 - Using refs
Segment - 18 - Controlled Components
Segment - 19 - Form Validation
Segment - 20 - Lifecycle of a React Component
Segment - 21 - Working with Arrays
Segment - 22 - Using AJAX for Getting Data from REST Endpoint
Segment - 23 - Higher Order Components
Segment - 24 - What is the Buzz about Virtual-DOM
Segment - 25 - State Management with Multiple Components
Segment - 26 - Introduction to Redux
Segment - 27 - Using Redux+Thunk with React
Segment - 28 - React Router for SPA
Segment - 29 - Using route parameters in React SPA