Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01 - Performance Management Throughout the Employee Life Cycle

    2. Segment 02 - The Performance Management Process

    3. Segment 03 - When You Don’t Take Advantage of Performance Management

    1. Segment 04 - Collaborative Performance Management

    2. Segment 05 - Collaboratively Setting Goals with Your Employees

    3. Segment 06 - The Importance of Weekly One-On-One Meetings

    4. Segment 07 - Incorporating Company Core Values

    5. Segment 08 - Relating Employee Goals to Organizational Goals

    1. Segment 09 - The Principles of Collaborative Language

    2. Segment 10 - Techniques for Giving Feedback

    3. Segment 11 - How to take Advantage of Getting Feedback

    4. Segment 12 - Strategies to Incorporate Employee Rewards & Recognition

    1. Segment 13 - General Best Practices

    2. Segment 14 - Prepare for an Annual Performance Conversation All Year Long

    3. Segment 15 - Preparing for a Formal Performance Conversation

    4. Segment 16 - What to Do During a Formal Performance Conversation

    5. Segment 17 - When and Where to Have Performance Conversations

    6. Segment 18 - Steps to Take After a Formal Performance Conversation

    1. Segment 19 - Five Steps for Successful Coaching Conversations

    2. Segment 20 - Six Skills to Build Before You Begin Coaching Employees

    3. Segment 21 - Tips for Identifying and Coaching a High Performing Employee

    4. Segment 22 - Tips for Coaching An Employee With Declining Performance or Behavior

    5. Segment 23 - A Simple Script for Overcoming Employee Objections or Justification of Behavior

    1. Segment 24 - Conclusion

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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