Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01 - Introduction to the course and the instructor

    2. Segment 02 - Quick Win! Delete All Social Media Apps

    3. Segment 03 - Don't Worry, This Course Won't Add Stress

    4. Segment 04 - Quick Win! Learn Anything New To Break Our of Rut

    5. Segment 05 - Quick Win. Avoiding Burnout Like a Rock Star

    6. Segment 06 - The Magic Stress Management Button

    7. Segment 07 - Reduce Stress and Burnout By Working Smarter and Shorter

    8. Segment 08 - Working 24/7 Creates Burnout - You Need a Quitting Time

    1. Segment 09 - The Magic Button for Turning Off Stress and Burnout

    2. Segment 10 - More Tips On Keeping Your Phone From Ruining Your Life

    1. Segment 11 - Reduce The Stress on Your Body

    2. Segment 12 - The More You Move, the Less You Stress

    3. Segment 13 - More Sleep Equals Less Stress

    4. Segment 14 - Sleep for Stress Reduction

    5. Segment 15 - Fully Rested Stress Management Techniques

    1. Segment 16 - Improve Your Relationships, Reduce Your Stress

    2. Segment 17 - Laughter...the Great Stress Reliever

    3. Segment 18 - Managing Your Financial Stress the Right Way

    4. Segment 19 - Reduce Financial Stress By Boosting Income

    5. Segment 20 - Reduce Stress By Limiting Your News Consumption to 20 Minutes Per Day

    6. Segment 21 - Never Watch TV News If You Want to Reduce Stress In Your Life

    7. Segment 22 - Positive Growth Reduces Stress

    8. Segment 23 - There Are No Stressed 5-year-olds In Finger-painting Class

    1. Segment 24 - Do Just ONE Thing At a Time

    2. Segment 25 - You Want and Need More Managing Burnout

    3. Segment 26 - Make Sure Your Down Time Doesn't Bring You Down

    4. Segment 28 - Vacations Are Not a Luxury, They Are a Necessity for Stress Management

    5. Segment 27 - Social Media Should Be Called Stress-Creation Media

    6. Segment 29 - You Deserve More

    1. Segment 30 - You Can Prevent Employees from Burnout

    2. Segment 31 - Reducing Stress Costs Less Than Employee Turnover

    3. Segment 32 - It's Time to Require Vacations

    4. Segment 33 - Paint a Vision of the Future for Each Employee

    5. Segment 34 - Nothing Creates Stress Like Lack of Appreciation

About this course

  • Free
  • 36 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today